H pylori can cause stomach cancer.

In the 1980’s and 90’s, the bacteria helicobacter pylori (aka h pylori) was identified by the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a Class 1 Carcinogen.

Over the last 50 years stomach cancer has declined in Trinidad & Tobago largely due to improved water quality, sanitation and living conditions.

H pylori testing is often tested for in the community by GP’s and routinely during a gastroscopy (endoscopy), and treated if it is positive. The aim is to eradicate the h pylori bacteria and prevent the development of ulcers and stomach cancer. The patients’ close contacts are also invited to be screened for it with a quick blood test (h pylori rapid test).

The results are ready in 10 minutes.

You need to know that having a positive or negative test may not correlate with symptoms or with what is actually wrong. A positive test does not mean that you have an ulcer or cancer, and a negative test does not mean that you are clear either.

H pylori testing and treating has often been a cause of misdiagnosis. Be aware.

Specialist evaluation is crucial. Other tests may be necessary.

Get scoped to be certain!